Every surgeon has to practically execute a surgery on the body to be a good & experienced doctor even though he has studied theory from the best university, exactly in the same manner; every trainer needs to practically experience all the forms of workout before giving it to its client to understand the challenges which may be faced when the execution has been made.
This is the first & the foremost thing to be understood by the academies that keeping very limited sessions for the practical learning hinders the growth of the trainer. It is vital that the correct & balancing ratio has been made between theory & practical learning. The aspiring trainers can’t probably change the whole system but can surely follow few of the following things to grow better & faster in their career:
Practice all forms of workout on your body first
The most important thing in the “To Do” list of any trainer should be performing various different forms of fitness i.e. weight training, cardio, functional, cross fit, kick boxing etc. on its own body as only learning theory & getting the certificate don’t help in crafting the correct workout for the clients. By performing the same, the challenges which may be faced by the clients will be noticed by the trainer as the strength & weaknesses of the clients will be different.
Manage to maintain your own fitness levels
Being a trainer is a tough job as it asks for lot of hard work & more than that, great level of dedication. It starts early morning & ends at late night, so most of the trainers these days don’t find the time maintain their own fitness levels. Make sure body building is not fitness. So design your day & time in a way that you are making sure that you are giving yourself time to have right food & right exercise.
Include all 5 components of fitness in the regime
As we know the most important basic that there are 5 components of fitness i.e. Strength, Stamina, Flexibility, Endurance & Body Composition. To make a complete & correct regime, it is very important that the designed regimes cover all five components of fitness.
Make Monday, Wednesday & Friday your bread & butter
Monday, Wednesday & Friday are the days when people who are keener about the fitness and want to maintain regular fitness tend to do exercise with their trainer. So make sure that your peak hours of morning & evening shifts are dedicated to those clients who are regular with their schedules and sessions so it will be easy for you to maintain a level of income for yourself.
Design bespoke regimes & customize as needed
It is really important for a trainer to understand that the physic & behaviour of every client is different. The goal & perspective of achievement is also different so no regime can be used for two different clients. It is the important task for the trainer to understand the goal of the client in the correct way and design bespoke regimes as per their need & capabilities.
The results derived from the exercises differs person to person
The trainer should never give any guarantee or commitment for the achievement upon any special results upon any of the past results already delivered as everybody’s body reacts in a different way and results may vary from person to person. SO make sure to always convince your client to have a behavioural goal for long term fitness and not short term results.